“Have you read__?”, “No
but I watched the movie!” I am going to
go out on a limb and say it is not the same thing at all. Apples and Oranges. It’s like reading the Cliff notes and not
reading the book. A movie, no matter
how well done can never do justice to the book.
is an incredible and versatile media, and amazing things can be done with it
but I have yet to see it do full justice to the written word combined the power
of human imagination.
This is not to
say that they shouldn’t make movies of books, or that we shouldn’t watch
them. I am not advocating literature
snobbery. All I am saying is that
watching the movie does not equal reading the book. If you really have no intention of reading
the book, watch the movie, by all means.
You will then have an overview idea of the contents of the book, but do
not make the mistake of thinking you now know what is inside the book. If you enjoyed the movie, I would highly recommend
you read the book though, it will be much better, trust me!
I personally enjoy movies made from books,
sometimes I read the book first, and sometimes I read the book after the
movie. I usually enjoy the movie more if
I haven’t yet read the book because I spend less time crying “Wha?? That wasn’t
how it went!”, but often I have read the book long before the movie so I try to
accept the limitations and license of the media and enjoy it as it is.
So, readers, if you enjoyed “The Hunger Games”,
“The Lord of the Rings”, “The Bridge to Terabithia” or even “The Little Mermaid”
movies, go out and find the book and
give it a try! You’ll be glad you did.
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